Make Sure to Book Your Consultation Before EANS Expires!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

CRRSA Act (Round 1)

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

ARP Act (Round 2)

EANS is a GOLDEN Opportunity to Transform Your Students' Lives

Elementary School Students
Never before has the American government provided a funding opportunity like the EANS program for private schools. This landmark grant is an opportunity future proof your school technology landscape and build a state-of-the-art learning institution. Before the grant funding expires and goes back to the government, it is crucial to make sure that your students get as much benefit as possible from the EANS program. Thankfully, Direct Technology Group is here to help!

Your students deserve to have quality devices for their education so that they can learn how to be the leaders of tomorrow. We know how important your students are... They are the future doctors, lawyers, astronauts, entrepreneurs, clergy, community leaders, and world-shapers. At Direct Technology Group we will always do everything in our power to help enable your school in nurturing the minds and character of your kids. EANS is a golden opportunity and we are here to make it easy!


High school students smiling in a classroom


Students using a chromebook


EANS Student athlete

Equip Your Students for SUCCESS...

Keep Students on Task

Due to shortages of devices that are used for most schoolwork, the success of students can be severely limited. Not having a device (or replacement device in case of malfunction) causes students to become disengaged and can severely reduce their chance of success in the classroom. The disruption this causes can lead to behavioral issues and student conflict.

Direct Technology Group helps keep your students on task by always recommending and sourcing the best devices for your school. We make sure that the schools we work with are always prepared with hot spares and a device network built for the rough-and-tumble school environment.
EANS textbook
Use EANS for firewalls

Eliminate Distraction

From cyberbullying to inappropriate content and even benign distractions like social media and video games, it is necessary to block these vices in order to foster a learning environment.  Students can develop unhealthy attachments to their assigned devices because of readily available games an programs that lead to a lack of participation in the classroom.

Direct Technology Group will help your school develop a strong infrastructure for network security and content management. When your students are engaged in a vibrant curriculum from DTG, they will be focused and ready to succeed!
Use EANS for firewalls

Be Prepared for Anything

Poor communication systems lead to loss of efficiency among staff daily—and at worst, they can break down during emergencies. Direct Technology Group prioritizes quality assurance among school systems because we know that in the school environment there are times where you need to be prepared at a moment's notice.

DTG will help your school develop a security communications system that is resilient and enables information flow for your team. Your system needs to be supported by a reliable digital infrastructure that is always available.
EANS emergency preparation
EANS Chromebooks and IT

Connect With Students Anywhere

As much as we try as school administrators, we can't always control our students' attendance. However you can be prepared for anything by building out hybrid classroom solutions to prevent loss of learning.

Seamlessly fold remote students into the live classroom experience with Direct Technology Group's hybrid learning technology. Never again leave loss of learning up to chance. You can connect with your students anywhere and make sure they get the education experience they deserve!
EANS Chromebooks and IT

A 30-Minute Consultation Can Change Your Students' Lives

Get Your Students On The Right Path...

As school administrators, we have experienced countless students choosing to go down the wrong paths. The most painful part of this is feeling that there isn't much we can do to help. Being ill-equipped leaves us feeling guilty and helpless. Far too often, our students are left without the proper resources to have a successful future.

Here at Direct Technology Group, we desire to make this change in schools. It is imperative that we see our next generation of students leading successful lives. We work hand-in-hand with administrators and teachers to develop strong STEAM programs in their schools. This gets student started on the right path toward developing skills they can recognize as meaningful in their future careers. When students are engaged in a curriculum they see as valuable, their entire life trajectory can change for the better.

There are numerous obstacles that can get in the way of student growth. Distraction, disruption, discouragement, and disengagement keep students from getting the education they deserve. Direct Technology Group works directly with administrators to systematically accelerate student development through enhanced Care, Curriculum, Cohesion, & Communication.

Building a Better Future for Your Students

Another challenge that we face as administrators is the obstacle of trying to engage students who struggle to take and interest in their own education. Students nowadays can be far too timid to take the first step into STEAM skills for fear that they will be perceived as uncool or unpopular. As administration, it is difficult to overcome this reluctance in students.

Direct Technology Group has battle-tested STEAM curriculum that is proven to engage students with compelling and fun curriculum, real-world application of skills, and projects to amaze their friends. When students get engaged with high-level intellectual and creative skills at an early age, it sets them up for a life-long future of personal development and growth. STEAM at DTG is more than just career development. It is a life-changing endeavor.

The Future of Your School is in Your Hands...

We Are Here to Help You Forge the Path


Student communication
Direct Technology Group helps your school build a reliable network and campus wide system so that students and teachers have safe and effective communications!

Problem Solving

Student problem solving
Every day is different in the K12 environment... Your consultants at Direct Technology Group are always here for you, no matter what the day throws at you!


Student empowerment
Both your students and staff need to be properly equipped in order to thrive. Direct Technology Group is here to help you empower your entire school!

Campus Safety

EANS Campus Safety & Security
At Direct Technology Group, we know the safety of your students is everything. We work day and night to ensure that our schools are strong and secure.

Get the Help You Need for Your Students...


Here's How DTG Helps...

EANS Teacher

Father Anonymous - Mystery of Christ Academy

" Direct Technology Group , lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. "

Mr. Terry - The Rock Schoolhouse

" Direct Technology Group , lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. "
EANS Principal

Getting the Most Out of EANS for Your Kids...

Although the government has provided grants to our schools, we as administrators know how expensive cutting-edge upgrades can be. Most tech companies are just trying to sell you whatever useless product they make. Direct Technology Group, on the other hand, is totally vendor agnostic and only cares about helping your school find the right solutions for your specific needs. With competitive partnerships for virtually all major classroom tech providers, Direct Technology Group will save your school thousands of dollars through special education partner terms.

As a school administrator, you want to get the most out of EANS for your kids. You know how unique an opportunity this program has provided for your school and it is important to make sure that your school is reaping the benefits of the program. Direct Technology Group is here to make sure that your school can make the most of EANS.


How to Use EANS

How EANS for IT Works for YOU...

EANS iPads
From STEAM programs to streamlining your operations infrastructure, EANS is the perfect opportunity to scale your school's facilities and program. Direct Technology Group's EANS for IT program makes it easy to get anything you need with EANS. Simply start with a FREE consultation to discuss your needs at your school. From there, your DTG consultants will do all the work from grant writing to getting the approval expedited with the Department of Education and fulfilling your order.

Book your consultation today to get the process started. Our team of experts is here to guide you through the process and help you get anything and everything you want from EANS!
  • Rapid Approval: Direct Technology Group goes to great lengths to get your grant requests approved fast with the Department of Education. With some of the fastest turnaround times in ClassWallet, DTG gets your orders approved before you need them.
  • Classroom Tested: Your consultants at Direct Technology Group have experience with countless products in the classroom. We will make sure that your classroom equipment is ready for anything.
  • Best in Class: As the leading consultation service for the EANS program, Direct Technology Group is here to help you accomplish your goals!

Your Technology Experts On Demand

You need a team that you can rely on. Direct Technology Group is committed to always being there to meet your needs. Our consultants are in office daily and ready to support your school any time the need arises. We are always here for your school and want you to know that DTG is a team you can rely on to be there just in time.

From putting out fires to building out new and improved systems, DTG is here to support your administration through every project. Just call us any time at (954) 739-4700 and we will make sure your needs are taken care of right away.

EANS Should Be An Opportunity, Not a Chore...

EANS is an opportunity to provide an even more excellent educational experience to your students. Unfortunately, the bureaucracy around EANS can make it at feel like a chore at times. From a lack of communication to long wait times for approvals and unclear standards, EANS can feel like a burden when it's really supposed to be a great opportunity.

Direct Technology Group is here to make the process easier for your school. We take the hassle out of EANS and make it simple to get the solutions you need for your school at an expedited rate through the grant. Just book a meeting to discuss your needs and we will make it happen for you.
How to Utilize EANS

Outfit Your Entire School With

Future-Proof Technology Upgrades

See How Other Schools Are Using EANS...

What can I buy with EANS?

Download the FREE report...

Approved EANS Categories

From Chromebooks to eSports...

Your Students Deserve The Best

EANS desktop computer
In the modern school IT environment, parents and students have come to expect a 1:1 model for devices. Chromebooks will continue to remain the gold standard for lite devices at a great price point. As a parent-preferred device for the 1:1 model as well, iPads can make for a great choice as well.

Your students also need access to high powered workstations for learning more advanced computing skills. Workstation-grade desktop computers are essential for students learning engineering, scientific computing, creative applications, and any other resource intensive STEAM computing. Most gaming computers also require the same components as professional engineering computers. This means that DTG can help you build both a state-of-the-art engineering lab and competitive eSports club on the same budget!


student workstations
Set your students up for a lifetime of achievement by getting them started with technical skills at an early age.


esports in schools
Appeal to your students with gaming clubs to get them involved in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Mathematics (STEAM).

Laptops & Tablets

EANS laptops and tablets
Give your students the creative potential to research, grow, and develop their communicative voice with 1:1.

An Education Experience Built to Last a Lifetime

The school environment can be a place with lots of spills, drops, and accidents. When you invest in devices for your students, you want to ensure that your investment is protected. Direct Technology Group carries a wide variety of rugged, functional, and fashionable protective cases for your students.

Immersive audio functionality is also absolutely essential for your student multimedia experience. From rugged headsets to full fledged theater audio experiences, Direct Technology Group is here to help. When you book a consultation with Direct Technology Group, we can help you outfit your facilities with with ideal future-proof AV solutions for your needs.
Students in an EANS classroom
  • Cases
  • Audio
  • Charging
  • Furniture
There are so many options for your school's charging stations. Direct Technology Group has learned from countless schools how to help identify the perfect charge carts for different use cases. From push carts to top loading basket carts, there are many options to choose from depending on how your classrooms are structured.

As a partner with many of the biggest classroom equipment manufacturers, Direct Technology Group can simplify the process of acquiring your furniture and other essentials through the EANS grant. Now is the time to upgrade your facilities.

STEAM-Powered Learning for the Leaders of Tomorrow

EANS microscopes
Skills such as videography, 3D modeling, web design, and illustration give students a competitive edge in the future workforce. Providing accessibility to the right software applications and the curriculum to support them, students will be able to develop unique skillsets. When paired seamlessly with specialized hardware and optimized computers, you students will develop a profound level of technological literacy and creativity. Direct Technology Group provides bulk academic licensing for all of the most in-demand STEAM applications. Our consultants will help you develop curriculum and facilities to support the development of these crucial skills in your students. Now is the time to scale up your school's STEM & Arts programs!
Applied learning in mathematics is one of the most profound ways to get your students engaged. Direct Technology Group provides curriculum, software, and systems for electrical engineering, computer science, manufacturing, and scientific computing.

With hands on experience, students will develop a powerful creative and technical tool set that prepares them for continuing education in these fields.

3D printing and robotics are the #1 method for getting students engaged in STEM topics. With the tangible and fun nature of these educational devices, students often light up when they see their creations come to life. Direct Technology Group has worked with all the major 3D printing and robotics products on the market to help you navigate the best systems for your program.

Getting students engaged in STEAM is one of the most profound ways you can reduce delinquency and set students on a trajectory for a life continuing growth and success. At DTG, we know the profound impact building a state-of-the-art STEAM program has on schools, so we do everything in our power to make sure your students are equipped with the best STEAM tools.

Creative Apps

Purchase apps with EANS

3D Printers

EANS 3D Printers

CAD & Engineering

CAD & Engineering with EANS


EANS Curriculum

State-of-the-Art Interactive Multimedia

EANS Smart Boards

Interactive Displays

Interactive display boards have become a preferred classroom multimedia solution. With the opportunity presented by EANS, your school can upgrade classrooms with premium interactive displays so your teacher’s are empowered to develop compelling lesson plans. Direct Technology Group can help you navigate the many classroom multimedia solutions and pick the one that is perfect for your needs.
EANS Projectors

High-Power Projectors

Now is the time to get premium projectors for your most important facilities. Every school should have the ability to put on more elaborate multimedia presentations and a high-power projector is the heart of these systems. Direct Technology Group can help your school facilitate these larger A/V builds so that you can give your students a state-of-the-art multimedia experience
EANS Virtual Learning

Hybrid Classrooms

Because of circumstances beyond your control, it is impossible to get perfect student attendance. However, you can be prepared for anything by building out hybrid classroom solutions to prevent loss of learning. Seamlessly fold remote students into the live classroom experience with Direct Technology Group’s hybrid classroom solutions.
EANS Digital Signage

Digital Signage

Want to make sure important information gets communicated throughout the school in a timely manner? Direct Technology Group’s digital signage solutions are the answer! Book a FREE consultation to discover how top schools implementing seamless digital signage solutions.

Stop Disorganization & Prevent Chaos

disobedient students
There's a certain level of baseline fear that we have on a daily basis as school administrators. From classroom disruptions to total breakdown of order, it takes strong leadership and structured systems to keep your students focused on learning and character development.

Direct Technology Group has in-house experts on the disciplinary challenges faced by schools like yours and is here to provide real solutions to help you with your organizational leadership needs. A good student experience starts with an organized administration. DTG's communications, productivity, and office solutions help you get the job done and keep your school consistently moving onward and upward!

Book your FREE consultation for an empathetic and understanding ear with time-tested and empirically-backed solutions for school management systems.
There's a certain level of baseline fear that we have on a daily basis as school administrators. From classroom disruptions to total breakdown of order, it takes strong leadership and structured systems to keep your students focused on learning and character development.

Direct Technology Group has in-house experts on the disciplinary challenges faced by schools like yours and is here to provide real solutions to help you with your organizational leadership needs. A good student experience starts with an organized administration. DTG's communications, productivity, and office solutions help you get the job done and keep your school consistently moving onward and upward!

Book your FREE consultation for an empathetic and understanding ear with time-tested and empirically-backed solutions for school management systems.
disobedient students


Get a PA system with EANS
Direct Technology Group can help you integrate the latest and greatest VOIP & PA systems so that information flows fast and free throughout your school.


How to be productive with EANS
It takes a lot to organize daily operations in a school, but DTG is here to help make your every day a success! Our team of experts is here to help you accomplish your goals!

Office Equipment

Printers and Copiers with EANS
EANS is the perfect opportunity to upgrade and future-proof that clunky old copier all your teachers despise. Get the perfect printers and copiers for your school.

Keep Your Students SAFE

In this day and age, every school needs to have a high quality security camera system. Together, we can secure your school from every threat so your students are protected from danger and can focus on their studies in peace and tranquility. Direct Technology Group can provide your school with integrated safety and communication solutions to strengthen your security. There is nothing more important in a school than the safety of its students, so you need to have communications ready at a moments notice.

Sadly, most threats in schools today come in the form of online danger. Still, your students need to access the internet to develop the skills they need for life. You can protect against malicious, dangerous, and inappropriate content with Direct Technology Group’s network security solutions. Book a FREE consultation with Direct Technology Group to completely extinguish these threats
Students deserve to be protected

Security Cameras

EANS Security Cameras


EANS communications

Network Security

EANS network security

Speed & Power

EANS networking
Make sure that your school is covered from every threat both digital and physical. Our unified security solutions will keep your students safe. Don't leave the safety of your students up to chance. Building out a state-of-the-art school security solution is the best way to make sure your students never have to worry.

School security isn't just about protecting your students. When your students feel safe, they are able to focus on learning. When your network is safe, your students won't be bombarded with social media distractions and inappropriate content. The team at Direct Technology Group has decades of experience in what really works when it comes to security.

You want to make sure that when choosing a digital surveillance option that you're not wasting money by purchasing unnecessary equipment, while at the same time, not inhibiting your ability to gain the security you are after. As with many of your technology needs, Direct Technology Group can assist you with this. We've had enough experience in the industry to properly filter through the do's and don'ts, while still keeping future expansion in mind.

With Over 1,000 Vendors...

DTG Provides Solutions, Not Products

Buy Windows With EANS
Buy HP With EANS
Buy Google Classroom With EANS
Buy Lenovo With EANS
EANS Intel
Buy Dell With EANS
Since 2007, DTG’s goal has been to help you plan for your school's future growth. We are committed to determining the correct technology and services needed to help you and your school grow. We recognize that schools are the foundation of our nation and that our success depends on their success. Schools of all sizes face an increasingly competitive environment complicated by advances in hardware, software, mobile technologies, and network security, to name just a few. Direct Technology Group can help you boost efficiencies and drive down your risk and cost.

With all types of hardware, software, networking, and other IT-related products, as well as Florida’s most knowledgeable IT professionals, Direct Technology Group is your one-stop shop for all of your educational technology needs.
How to Buy Anything With EANS

We Are Your #1 Partner for EVERYTHING...

  • IT and Bandwidth Consulting: Our IT professionals can help your organization find the IT services and solutions you need to produce results, within your budgetary constraints.
  • Hardware and Software Procurement: With our multitude of vendor relationships, we provide the access to hardware and software solutions, as well as the expertise in deploying these solutions efficiently..
  • IT Support: We have a full cache of support services, including Help Desk and Remote Monitoring that can allow your on campus IT department the freedom to innovate, without the concern of continuous support taking up resources and time.
  • Mobile Device Integration: We understand both the benefits and detriments that mobile devices can be to an organization, and can help you determine what mobile policies work best for your school.

We Will Take the Time to Help You Build Your School's Future😊

Hear What Other Schools Are Saying About Us...

EANS School

The School of Hard Knocks

" Direct Technology Group , lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. "
" Direct Technology Group , lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. "
School With EANS

Animal House Academy

Let's Grow YOUR School Together!

DTG Guides Your School to Excellence With The 4C Model...


Care for your students with EANS
Before a student can succeed in the classroom, they must know that they are cared for. DTG helps you provide excellent Care.


Build a cohesive student program with EANS
The classroom should be a cohesive environment where "flow state" can be effortlessly achieved in the learning process.


Develop curriculum with EANS
DTG helps your school implement a unified Curriculum to prepare students with practical STEAM skills for meaningful future careers.


Communicate with EANS
4C compliant schools prioritize Communication by structuring seamless and school-wide "information flow" systems.

There's No Obligation... You Deserve Expert Support!

The Name of the Game is Future-Proof

Before the grant funding expires and goes back to the government, it is crucial to make sure that your school gets as much benefit as possible from the EANS program. From STEAM programs to streamlining your operations infrastructure, EANS is the perfect opportunity to scale your school’s facilities and programs. The name of the game with EANS is future-proof. Because this is a limited funding opportunity that must be used in a pre-defined window, it is essential to pick the right upgrades to raise the ranking of your school for years to come.

Don't Let YOUR EANS Go Back to Uncle Sam...

DID YOU KNOW... If your school does not use the EANS funding before the official CRRSA & ARP Expiration Dates, your funding will go back to the federal government where it will be spent on something else. On September 30th, 2023 all of the CRRSA EANS will expire. On September 30th, 2024 all of the ARP EANS will expire. DTG is here to make sure you get the best results from this grant. But, don't delay in booking your FREE consultation so that we can help you get the maximum potential from this program.

Get the Ball Rolling BEFORE the EANS Deadline...


DON'T DELAY... The EANS funding is only available to your school for a limited time only. It is crucial to make sure that you are budgeted to efficiently use these funds and get the maximum benefit for your school. Direct Technology Group is here to help you at every step of the EANS journey and beyond.

Book your FREE consultation today to get the most out of your EANS. DTG has countless options for how to effectively utilize this funding and the expertise to help you navigate where your school will see the most benefit from these programs.





Let Us Help You BEFORE it's Too Late...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

CRRSA EANS (Round 1) Expires

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

ARP EANS (Round 2) Expires

Your Kids Deserve Better...

Your students deserve EANS
At DTG, we understand the challenges faced by school administrators. So much effort and investment is placed into your students amidst an often hostile culture. Distraction, disruption, disengagement, and discouragement can give way to disillusionment if we are not careful and coordinated in our education and care.

We are here to navigate the changing landscape of the world with you. You don't have to bear the burden alone. Your education consultants at DTG are always here to give a helping hand. We know your kids deserve better than the hogwash spoon fed to them by social media algorithms and depressive content. We will help you navigate every storm so that your students receive the best education possible in a safe and happy environment.

DTG is There for You During Every Emergency...


The use of technology in education keeps improving every year. The more that educators depend on technology solutions to provide their students with a quality education, the more cost-effective support they will need. At Direct Technology Group, we understand that every academic institution has unique challenges they face to provide their students with an education that they can use to be productive members of society.

With all types of hardware, software, networking, and other IT-related products, as well as Florida’s most knowledgeable IT professionals, Direct Technology Group is your one-stop shop for all of your educational technology needs.
Elementary students using an EANS 3D Printer

The implementation of dynamic solutions can advance a student's education exponentially.

At Direct Technology Group, we believe that knowledge is indispensable. That is why our IT technicians are versed in the design, deployment, and support of information systems that work for all types of learning environments. From our ICT suite design program to our knowledge in implementing both physical and virtual centralized computing platforms, to our relationships with companies that can provide dynamic peripherals, Direct Technology Group can make teaching, and learning, much easier.

It’s proven that students often benefit from a hands-on approach to learning. With some of the same technology we often make available for businesses, you can leverage advances in IT to present powerful and interactive learning corridors.

Our School Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
We will give you 2 free hours of our Direct Technology Group service to show you that there is a better way to solve those day-to-day issues that plague schools everywhere of all sizes. If you don't have an issue for us to solve right away, that's fine; use your 2 free hours to have us run a full audit on your network infrastructure and map out any weak points, finding issues before they even occur. That's the Direct Technology Group Difference; proactive maintenance to prevent downtime. We don't wait around for things to break; we keep your school up and running all day, every day. Why experience a loss in productivity or get slammed with high computer repair bills? We want you to expand and grow.







1358 W Newport Center Dr, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

Copyright © 2022 Direct Technology Group. All Rights Reserved.